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4 years ago
name = Ein Verne
email = [email protected]
editor = vim
autocrlf = input
a = add
b = branch
c = commit
d = diff
f = fetch
g = grep
l = log
m = merge
o = checkout
p = pull
r = remote
s = status
st = status
w = whatchanged
### commit ###
ca = commit --amend
### checkout ###
co = checkout
### cherry-pick ###
### diff ###
# diff - show changes not yet staged
dc = diff --cache
# diff - changes about to be commited
ds = diff --staged
### log ###
# log key - our favorite way to show our key performance indicators, i.e. our most useful summary.
lk = log --graph --topo-order --abbrev-commit --date=short --decorate --all --boundary --pretty=format:'%Cgreen%ad %Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cblue[%cn]%Creset %Cblue%G?%Creset'
### merge ###
### pull ###
# pull if a merge can be resolved as a fast-forward, otherwise fail.
pf = pull --ff-only
# pull with rebase - to provide a cleaner, linear, bisectable history.
# To integrate changes between branches, you can merge or rebase.
# When we use "git pull", git does a fetch then a merge.
# If we've made changes locally and someone else has pushed changes
# to our git host then git will automatically merge these together
# and create a merge commit that looks like this in the history:
# 12345678 - Merge branch 'foo' of bar into master
# When we use "git pull --rebase", git does a fetch then a rebase.
# A rebase resets the HEAD of your local branch to be the same as
# the remote HEAD, then replays your local commits back into repo.
# This means you don't get any noisy merge messages in your history.
# This gives us a linear history, and also helps with git bisect.
# To automatically do "pull --rebase" for any branch based on master:
# git config branch.master.rebase true
# To automatically do "pull --rebase" for all branches:
# git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always
pr = pull --rebase
### rebase ###
# rebase - forward-port local commits to the updated upstream head.
rb = rebase
# rebase - continue the rebasing process after resolving a conflict manually and updating the index with the resolution.
rbc = rebase --continue
# rebase - restart the rebasing process by skipping the current patch.
rbs = rebase --skip
### remote ###
### tags ###
lasttag = describe --tags --abbrev=0
tags = tag -n1 --list
# Stash aliases
save = stash save
pop = stash pop
autosetuprebase = always
rebase = true
default = matching
autoDetach = false
program = gpg2
gpgSign = false
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
tool = meld
prompt = false
[includeIf "gitdir:~/projects/"]
path = ~/projects/.gitconfig