#!/bin/bash - # take from http://askubuntu.com/questions/107726/how-to-create-animated-gif-images-of-a-screencast sudo apt-get install byzanz # example # byzanz-record --duration=15 --x=200 --y=300 --width=700 --height=400 out.gif git clone https://github.com/lolilolicon/xrectsel.git # install automake tool to avoid "autoreconf: not found" error # use the following command to install automake tool sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool build-essential checkinstall libx11-dev x11-utils # 1. byzanz-record-window - To select a window for recording. # 2. byzanz-record-region - To select a part of the screen for recording. # 3. A simple GUI front-end for 1, by MHC.