Make sure conky is installed, and install this PPA: sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install conky-manager Make sure to install "curl" in order to display the weather! (sudo apt-get install curl) Install this conkyrc: 1. Install the "DroidSans" fonts. 2. Run `/` to copy files to .conky dir 3. Replace your own yahoo weather. - go to - select XML, copy and paste (with your woeid): select * from weather.forecast where woeid = "2151330" and u = "c" , you need to change the text content to your own city. - then copy the url to edit in .conkyrc file 4. The first day in the conky displays the forecast for today.(in blue color) 5. Run conky ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE* Be careful when changing fonts as well as font sizes!The images in conky have a set position, so if you change the font or size of the text, the text will move up/down while the images will stay in position, making it look out of place. If you wish to change the font you can fix the problem in 3 ways: 1. Either change the size of the font until your images are in position 2. Change the position off the corresponding images.Search for "-p" and manipulate the neccesary values. 3. You can also move the text up/down by adding empty lines in the conkyrc.(enter/backspace) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------