mirror of https://github.com/einverne/dotfiles.git
3 changed files with 45277 additions and 1 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
{ |
;; ! | means mandatory |
;; # | means optional |
;; !! | mandatory command + control + optional + shift (hyper) |
;; ## | optional any |
;; to understand better how modifiers work in karabiner |
;; https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/json.html#from-event-definition-modifiers |
;; C | left_command |
;; T | left_control |
;; O | left_option |
;; S | left_shift |
;; F | fn |
;; Q | right_command |
;; W | right_control |
;; E | right_option |
;; R | right_shift |
;; need to prefix C T O S F with ! or # |
:profiles |
{:goku {:default true |
:sim 50 ;; simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds (def: 50) |
;; keys need to be pressed within this threshold to be considered simultaneous |
:delay 0 ;; to_delayed_action_delay_milliseconds (def: 500) |
;; time after which the key press is delayed |
:alone 85 ;; to_if_alone_timeout_milliseconds (def: 1000) |
;; hold for .. ms to register single tap |
:held 500 ;; to_if_held_down_threshold_milliseconds (def: 500) |
;; key is fired twice when 500ms is elapsed (otherwise seen as a hold command) |
}} |
:templates { |
:alfred "osascript -e 'tell application \"Alfred 4\" to run trigger \"%s\" in workflow \"%s\" with argument \"%s\"'" |
:km "osascript -e 'tell application \"Keyboard Maestro Engine\" to do script \"%s\"'" |
:open "open \"%s\"" |
} |
:devices { |
:kybs [ ;; default for all keyboards |
{:vendor_id 1452} |
{:vendor_id 9494 :product_id 17} |
] |
:apple [{:vendor_id 1452 :product_id 832}] |
:quickfire [{:vendor_id 9494 :product_id 17}] |
} |
:applications {:chrome ["^com\\.google\\.Chrome$"] |
:chrome-canary [ "^com\\.google\\.Chrome\\.canary$"] |
:chromes ["^com\\.google\\.Chrome$" "^com\\.google\\.Chrome\\.canary$"] |
:ctrlnp ["md\\.obsidian", |
"com\\.jetbrains\\.intellij", |
"com.electron.lark" |
"com\\.google\\.Chrome"] |
:finder ["^com\\.apple\\.finder$"] |
:terminals ["com\\.apple\\.Terminal", |
"com\\.googlecode\\.iterm2"] |
} |
:input-sources {:squirrel {:input_mode_id "com.googlecode.rimeime.inputmethod.Squirrel" |
:input_source_id "com.googlecode.rimeime.inputmethod.Squirrel.Rime" |
:language "zh-Hans"} |
:us {:input_mode_id "" |
:input_source_id "com.apple.keylayout.US" |
:language "en"}} |
:layers { |
:hyper-mode {:key :caps_lock :alone {:key :escape}}} |
;; simlayers are basically "hyper" keys |
;; recommended for non-typing keys like `.` or tab or space |
;; or keys like z which are used less often |
:simlayers { |
:2-mode {:key :2} |
:3-mode {:key :3} |
:4-mode {:key :4} |
:tab-mode {:key :tab} |
:q-mode {:key :q} |
:w-mode {:key :w} |
:e-mode {:key :e} |
:r-mode {:key :r} |
:t-mode {:key :t} |
:i-mode {:key :i} |
:o-mode {:key :o} |
:caps-mode {:key :caps_lock} |
:a-mode {:key :a} |
:s-mode {:key :s} |
:d-mode {:key :d} |
:f-mode {:key :f} |
:g-mode {:key :g} |
:semicolon-mode {:key :semicolon} |
:tilde-mode {:key :grave_accent_and_tilde} |
:z-mode {:key :z} |
:x-mode {:key :x} |
:c-mode {:key :c} |
:v-mode {:key :v} |
:b-mode {:key :b} |
:n-mode {:key :n} |
:m-mode {:key :m} |
:comma-mode {:key :comma} |
:dot-mode {:key :period} |
:spacebar-mode {:key :spacebar} |
:go-mode {:key :period :condi ["in-go" 1]} |
:js-mode {:key :period :condi ["in-js" 1]} |
:swift-mode {:key :period :condi ["in-swift" 1]} |
:rust-mode {:key :period :condi ["in-rust" 1]} |
:py-mode {:key :period :condi ["in-python" 1]} |
:elixir-mode {:key :period :condi ["in-elixir" 1]} |
} |
:main [ |
;; each manipulator has a description and multiple rules |
;;{:des "..." ;; -> description |
;; :rules[ |
;; [<from> <to> <conditions>] ;; -> rule 1 |
;; [<from> <to> <conditions>] ;; -> rule 2 |
;; ]} |
;; rule [:period ["period-mode" 1] nil {:afterup ["period-mode" 0] :alone :period}] |
;; |_____| |_______________| |_| |_________________________________________| |
;; <from> <to> <conditions> <other options> |
;; |
;; karabiner docs: ;; https://pqrs.org/osx/karabiner/json.html#complex_modifications-manipulator-definition |
;; <other options> includs ~to_if_alone~, ~to_if_held_down~,~to_after_key_up~, ~to_delayed_action~ and ~parameters~. |
;; |
;; (custom variables) & modifiers -> Advanced |
;; https://github.com/yqrashawn/GokuRakuJoudo/blob/master/examples.org#custom-variable |
;; Setup for quickfire keyboard |
{:des "CM Storm keyboard setup" |
:rules [:quickfire |
[:##left_command :left_option] |
[:##left_option :left_command] |
[:##right_command :right_option] |
[:##right_option :right_command] |
]} |
{:des "swap cmd <-> option when using specific devices" |
:rules [ |
[:##left_command :left_option [:quickfire]] |
[:##left_option :left_command [:quickfire]] |
] } |
{:des "caps lock -> escape(alone) and caps lock -> hyper" |
:rules [ |
[:##caps_lock :!CTOleft_shift nil {:alone :escape}] |
]} |
{:des "Ctrl np -> down up" |
:rules [ |
[:!Tn :down_arrow [:ctrlnp]] |
[:!Tp :up_arrow [:ctrlnp]] |
]} |
{:des "F2 as Rename in Finder" |
:rules [ |
[:##f2 :return_or_enter [:finder]]]} |
{:des "Disable Cmd+H Hide" |
:rules [ |
[:!Ch nil nil [:kybs]] |
]} |
{:des "Ctrl W -> Delete last word" |
:rules [ |
[:!Tw :!Tw [:terminals]] |
[:!Ww :!Ww [:terminals]] |
[:!Tw :!TOSdelete_or_backspace [:!terminals]] |
[:!Ww :!TOSdelete_or_backspace [:!terminals]] |
]} |
{:des "Cmd + Q held 1 second to quit" |
:rules [ |
[:!Cq nil nil {:held :!Cq :repeat false}]]} |
{:des "Quit application by pressing command-q twice" |
:rules [[:!C#Pq [:!Cq ["command-q" 0]] ["command-q" 1]] |
[:!C#Pq ["command-q" 1] nil {:delayed {:invoked ["command-q" 0] :canceled ["commandq" 0]}}]]} |
{:des "Use Delete as Move to Trash" |
:rules [ |
[:##delete_forward :!Cdelete_or_backspace [:finder]]]} |
{:des "right_command to f16" |
:rules [ |
[:##right_command :f16] |
]} |
{:des "colonkey (shift)" |
:rules [:semicolon-mode |
[:1 :!T1] |
[:2 :!T2] |
[:3 :!T3] |
[:4 :!T4] |
[:5 :!T5] |
[:q :!Sq] |
[:w :!Sw] |
[:e :!Se] |
[:r :!Sr] |
[:t :!St] |
[:y :!Sy] |
[:u :!Su] |
[:i :!Si] |
[:o :!So] |
[:p :!Sp] |
[:a :!Sa] |
[:s :!Ss] |
[:d :!Sd] |
[:f :!Sf] |
[:g :!Sg] |
[:h :!Sh] |
[:j :!Sj] |
[:k :!Sk] |
[:l :!Sl] |
[:grave_accent_and_tilde [:!Sgrave_accent_and_tilde]] ; -> ~ |
[:z :!Sz] |
[:x :!Sx] |
[:c :!Sc] |
[:v :!Sv] |
[:b :!Sb] |
[:n :!Sn] |
[:m :!Sm]]} |
{:des "jsim" |
:rules [[[:j :k] [:alfred "search google" "net.deanishe.alfred-searchio"]] |
[[:j :semicolon] [:alfred "search tabs" "net.deanishe.alfred.safari"]] |
[[:j :l] :!Cspacebar]]} ; Alfred |
{:des "ksim" |
:rules [[[:k :l] [:alfred "search dash" "com.kapeli.dash.workflow"]] |
[[:k :m] [:alfred "search youtube" "net.deanishe.alfred-searchio"]]]} |
{:des "2key (move + alfred)" |
:rules [:2-mode |
[:j "say '2 j press'"] |
[:o [:alfred "soulver" "app.soulver.alfredworkflow"]] |
[:j :!Cdown_arrow] |
[:k :!Cup_arrow] |
[:l :!Cright_arrow] |
[:h :!Cleft_arrow] |
[:semicolon :!Oup_arrow] |
[:quote :!Odown_arrow] |
[:spacebar :!COSu]]} ; Selection -> HN |
{:des "3key (open files + projects)" |
:rules [:3-mode |
[:r [:km "proj: LA"]] |
[:i [:km "edit: Likes"]] |
[:o [:km "edit: Projects"]] |
[:t [:km "edit: Git config"]] |
[:h [:km "wiki: Used hotkeys"]] |
[:j [:km "edit: Aliases"]] |
[:k [:km "edit: Zsh functions"]] |
[:l [:km "Search current safari url in wiki"]] |
[:semicolon [:km "proj: Knowledge"]] |
[:quote [:km "wiki: Summary"]] |
[:n [:km "proj: Dotfiles"]] |
[:m [:km "proj: Home"]] |
[:comma [:km "edit: Now"]] |
[:period [:km "edit: GitHub Bio"]] ; TODO: |
[:spacebar :!CSOp]]} ; Selection -> Reddit |
{:des "4key (open curated lists)" |
:rules [:4-mode |
[:r [:km "edit: Web Searches"]] |
[:t [:km "list: Newsletters"]] |
[:o [:km "list: Blogs"]] |
[:p [:km "list: Podcasts"]] |
[:k [:km "list: Alfred workflows"]] |
[:l [:km "list: Command line tools"]] |
[:n [:km "list: Events"]]]} |
{:des "tabkey (websites)" |
:rules [:tab-mode |
;[:j :!SOTw] ; Replies |
;[:k :!SOTf] ; App specific |
;[:l :!SOTr] ; Personal |
[:j [:km "w: Phabricator"]] |
[:k [:km "w: GitLab"]] |
[:l [:km "w: RealTime"]] |
[:period [:km "w: CodeSandbox"]]]} |
{:des "qkey (cmd + shift)" |
:rules [:q-mode |
[:3 :!CS3] |
[:4 :!CS4] |
[:5 :!CS5] |
[:6 :!CS6] |
[:7 :!CS7] |
[:8 :!CS8] |
[:9 :!CS9] |
[:0 :!CS0] |
[:w :!CSw] |
[:e :!CSe] |
[:r :!CSr] |
[:t :!CSt] |
[:y :!CSy] |
[:u :!CSu] |
[:i :!CSi] |
[:o :!CSo] |
[:p :!CSp] |
[:open_bracket :!CSopen_bracket] |
[:close_bracket :!CSclose_bracket] |
[:a :!CSa] |
[:s :!CSs] |
[:d :!CSd] |
[:f :!CSf] |
[:g :!CSg] |
[:h :!CSh] |
[:j :!CSj] |
[:k :!CSk] |
[:l :!CSl] |
[:semicolon :!CSsemicolon] |
[:quote :!CSquote] |
[:z :!CSz] |
[:x :!CSx] |
[:c :!CSc] |
[:v :!CSv] |
[:b :!CSb] |
[:n :!CSn] |
[:m :!CSm] |
[:comma :!CScomma] |
[:period :!CSperiod] |
[:slash :!CSslash] |
[:spacebar :!CSOe]]} ; Selection -> YouTube |
{:des "wkey (apps)" |
:rules [:w-mode |
[:e [:km "open: Fantastical"]] |
[:r [:km "open: Notion"]] |
[:t [:km "open: Activity Monitor"]] |
;[:i [:km "open: Safari Technology Preview"]] |
[:i [:km "open: Instruments"]] |
[:o [:km "open: Keyboard Maestro"]] |
[:p [:km "open: Postgres"]] |
[:caps_lock [:km "open: Finder"]] |
[:a :!OSC1] ; Open Dash |
[:d [:km "open: Postico"]] |
[:f [:km "open: 2Do"]] |
;[:g [:km "open: Linear"]] |
[:j [:km "open: iTerm"]] |
[:k [:km "open: Safari"]] |
[:l [:km "open: VS Code"]] |
[:semicolon [:km "open: Xcode"]] |
[:quote [:km "open: Console"]] |
[:c [:km "open: Spotify"]] |
[:v [:km "open: Paw"]] |
[:b [:km "open: BetterTouchTool"]] |
[:n [:km "open: Sublime Text"]] |
[:m [:km "open: Sublime Merge"]] |
;[:period [:km "open: Proxyman"]] |
[:period [:km "open: Cypress"]] |
[:spacebar :!CT7]]} ; Start Google search with selection |
{:des "ekey (cmd)" |
:rules [:e-mode |
[:q :!Cq] |
[:w :!Cw] |
[:r :!Cr] |
[:t :!Ct] |
[:u :!Cu] |
[:i :!Ci] |
[:p :!Cp] |
[:open_bracket :!Copen_bracket] |
[:close_bracket :!Cclose_bracket] |
[:semicolon :!Csemicolon] |
[:quote :!Cquote] |
[:comma :!Ccomma] |
[:period :!Cperiod] |
[:slash :!Cslash] |
[:a :!Ca] |
[:b :!Cb] |
[:c :!Cc] |
[:d :!Cd] |
[:f :!Cf] |
[:g :!Cg] |
[:h :!Ch] |
[:j :!Cj] |
[:k :!Ck] |
[:l :!Cl] |
[:m :!Cm] |
[:n :!Cn] |
[:o :!Co] |
[:s :!Cs] |
[:v :!Cv] |
[:x :!Cx] |
[:y :!Cy] |
[:z :!Cz] |
[:1 :!C1] |
[:2 :!C2] |
[:3 :!C3] |
[:4 :!C4] |
[:5 :!C5] |
[:6 :!C6] |
[:7 :!C7] |
[:8 :!C8] |
[:9 :!C9] |
[:0 :!C0] |
[:spacebar :!CSO7]]} ; Selection -> Google Lucky |
{:des "rkey (apps)" |
:rules [:r-mode |
[:tab [:km "open: Transmission"]] |
[:q [:km "open: IINA"]] |
[:w [:km "open: 1Password"]] |
[:e [:km "open: Keynote"]] |
;[:i [:km "open: Flume"]] |
[:i [:km "open: Feedback Assistant"]] |
[:o [:km "open: Developer"]] |
;[:caps_lock [:km "open: Preview"]] |
[:a [:km "open: Alfred Preferences"]] |
[:j [:km "open: Dictionary"]] |
[:k [:km "open: Preview"]] |
[:l [:km "open: Books"]] |
;[:k [:km "open: PDF Expert"]] |
;[:l [:km "open: Reeder"]] |
[:b [:km "Edit keyboard shortcuts"]] |
[:n [:km "open: ScreenFlow"]] |
[:m [:km "open: OBS"]] |
[:comma [:km "open: Arq"]] |
[:period [:km "open: Final Cut Pro"]] |
[:spacebar :!COSx]]} ; Selection -> Reddit |
{:des "tkey (palettes + websites)" |
:rules [:t-mode |
[:0 [:km "w: regex101"]] |
[:e [:km "w: Facebook"]] |
[:r [:km "w: Repl"]] |
[:u [:km "w: Medium"]] |
[:i [:km "w: Arxiv"]] |
[:o [:km "w: Stack Overflow"]] |
[:p [:km "w: Dropbox"]] |
[:a [:km "w: Amazon"]] |
[:h [:km "w: Twitch"]] |
[:j :!COSo] ; Safari URL -> Twitter |
;[:j :!COSo] ; Safari URL -> Google |
;[:k :!COSo] ; Safari URL -> HN |
;[:l :!COSo] ; Safari URL -> Lobsters |
[:semicolon [:km "w: Netlify"]] |
[:z [:km "w: MDN"]] |
[:b [:km "w: Observable"]] |
[:m [:km "w: Meetup"]] |
[:comma [:km "w: Google Drive"]] |
[:period [:km "w: IFTTT"]] |
[:spacebar :!COSr]]} ; Selection -> Google Translate |
{:des "ikey (symbols)" |
:rules [:i-mode |
[:1 :!S1] |
[:2 :!S2] |
[:3 :!Sequal_sign] |
[:4 :!S8] |
[:5 :!S5] |
[:q :!Sopen_bracket] |
[:w :!S9] |
[:e :!S3] |
[:r :!Squote] |
[:t :quote] |
[:o :open_bracket] ; [ |
[:p :close_bracket] ; ] |
[:open_bracket :!Sclose_bracket] ; } |
[:caps_lock [:km "Match symbols"]] |
[:a :slash] |
[:s :!Shyphen] |
[:d :backslash] |
[:f :hyphen] |
[:g :!S4] |
[:j :equal_sign] |
[:l [:hyphen :!Speriod :spacebar]] ; -> arrow (->) |
[:semicolon :semicolon] |
[:grave_accent_and_tilde :!Sgrave_accent_and_tilde] ; -> // |
[:z :!Sslash] |
[:x :!Sbackslash] |
[:c :!S7] |
[:v :!Scomma] |
[:b [:slash :slash :spacebar]]]} ; -> // |
{:des "okey (alfred)" |
:rules [:o-mode |
[:1 :!C1] |
[:2 :!C2] |
[:3 :!C3] |
[:4 :!C4] |
[:5 :!C5] |
[:6 :!C6] |
[:q [:alfred "search downloads" "recentdownloads.ddjfreedom"]] |
[:w :!CObackslash] ; 1Password search |
[:e [:km "Make 2Do task"]] |
[:r [:km "Make 2Do task with note as current URL"]] |
[:t [:km "Make 2Do task with Safari title as name + note as current URL"]] |
;[:i [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "?"]] |
[:i [:open "/Applications/iTerm.app"]] |
[:caps_lock [:alfred "search desktop" "com.vitorgalvao.alfred.directories"]] |
[:a [:alfred "search files" "nikivi.manage.notes"]] ; TODO: add blog, drafts |
[:b [:open "/Applications/Obsidian.app"]] |
[:w [:open "/Applications/Lark.app"]] |
[:s [:alfred "search code" "nikivi.manage.notes"]] |
[:d [:alfred "search repos" "net.deanishe.alfred-git-repos"]] |
[:f [:alfred "search folders" "nikivi.search.folders"]] |
[:g [:km "2Do with current url as note (github)"]] |
[:j [:alfred "run" "iansinnott.keyboardmaestro"]] |
[:k [:alfred "search menu bar" "com.tedwise.menubarsearch"]] |
[:grave_accent_and_tilde [:alfred "search processes" "com.vitorgalvao.alfred.processcontrol"]] |
[:x [:alfred "search workflows" "org.jeef.workflowdirectory"]] |
;[:c [:alfred "search emoji" "com.github.jsumners.alfred-emoji"]] |
[:c [:open "/Applications/Google Chrome.app"]] |
[:v [:alfred "search clones" "com.vitorgalvao.alfred.directories"]] |
[:n [:alfred "search lists" "nikivi.learn.anything"]] |
[:m [:alfred "search lists" "nikivi.awesome.lists"]] |
[:spacebar [:alfred "search PDFs" "nikivi.search.files"]]]} |
{:des "capskey (todo + trello)" |
:rules [:caps-mode |
[:0 :down_arrow] |
[:1 [:alfred "Screenshot -> Imgur" "com.vitorgalvao.alfred.webscreenshot"]] |
[:2 :!TO2] ; Screenshot -> Clipboard |
[:3 :!TO3] ; Screenshot -> Annotate |
[:4 :!TO9] ; Picture of screen -> Clipboard |
[:5 :!TO0] ; Picture of screen -> ~/Desktop |
[:w [:km "wiki: My workflow"]] |
[:e [:km "edit: Private notes"]] |
[:r [:km "wiki: Rules"]] |
[:t [:km "wiki: Processes"]] |
[:u [:km "Open 2Do Buy"]] |
[:i [:km "Open 2Do Fix"]] |
[:o [:km "Open 2Do Tools"]] |
[:p [:km "Open 2Do Repeat"]] |
[:open_bracket [:km "w: Goodreads (currently reading)"]] |
[:close_bracket [:km "w: Goodreads (next)"]] |
[:s [:km "Open 2Do Wiki"]] |
[:d [:open "notion://nikitavoloboev/Ideas-0b5a4e8a88f34fe29a1f33dad02e5332"]] |
[:f [:km "Search 2Do"]] |
[:g [:km "Open 2Do Life"]] |
[:h [:open "notion://nikitavoloboev/Learn-05c0eac7be904e0da89cd8a3bf7ab509"]] |
[:j [:km "Open 2Do Today"]] |
[:k [:km "Open 2Do GitHub"]] |
[:l [:km "Open 2Do Later"]] |
[:semicolon [:km "Open 2Do Starred"]] |
[:quote [:km "Open 2Do Other"]] ; TODO: remove once its empty |
[:c [:km "Look back"]] |
[:v [:km "wiki: Goals"]] |
[:b [:open "notion://nikitavoloboev/Papers-Courses-8f00c7c500d5460490a5800c5d5db431"]] |
[:n [:km "Open 2Do Clean"]] |
[:m [:km "Open 2Do Work"]] |
[:period [:km "Open 2Do LA"]]]} |
{:des "akey (ctrl)" |
:rules [:a-mode |
[:2 :!T2] |
[:3 :!T3] |
[:4 :!T4] |
[:5 :!T5] |
[:6 :!T6] |
[:7 :!T7] |
[:8 :!T8] |
[:9 :!T9] |
[:0 :!T0] |
[:q :!Tq] |
[:w :!Tw] |
[:e :!Te] |
[:r :!Tr] |
[:t :!Tt] |
[:i :!Ti] |
[:o :!To] |
[:y :!Ty] |
[:u :!Tu] |
[:p :!Tp] |
[:open_bracket :!Topen_bracket] |
[:close_bracket :!Tclose_bracket] |
[:s :!Ts] |
[:d :!Td] |
[:f :!Tf] |
[:g :!Tg] |
[:h :!Th] |
[:j :!Tj] |
[:k :!Tk] |
[:l :!Tl] |
[:semicolon :!Tsemicolon] |
[:quote :!Tquote] |
[:z :!Tz] |
[:x :!Tx] |
[:c :!Tc] |
[:v :!Tv] |
[:b :!Tb] |
[:n :!Tn] |
[:m :!Tm] |
[:comma :!Tcomma] |
[:period :!Tperiod] |
[:slash :!Tslash] |
[:spacebar :!CT9]]} ; Selection -> Google |
{:des "skey (essential)" |
:rules [:s-mode |
[:w [:!Oleft_arrow :!OSright_arrow]] ; Highlight word |
[:e :tab] |
[:r :!Stab] |
[:t :!Sreturn_or_enter] |
[:u :!COp] ; Selection -> HasteBin link |
[:i :!CTperiod] ; Contexts search active windows |
[:o :!Cx] ; Cut |
;[:open_bracket :!Oleft_arrow] |
[:open_bracket [:km "Lowercase selected text"]] |
[:close_bracket [:km "Uppercase selected text"]] |
[:a :!Cc] ; Copy |
[:d :delete_or_backspace] |
[:f :return_or_enter] |
[:g :!Ctab] |
[:##h :left_arrow] |
[:##j :down_arrow] |
[:##k :up_arrow] |
[:##l :right_arrow] |
[:semicolon :!CTO0] ; Search Alfred Snippets |
[:quote [:!Cleft_arrow :!CSright_arrow]] ; Highlight current line |
[:c :!Cdelete_or_backspace] |
[:v :left_shift] |
[:##b :!Cleft_arrow] |
[:n :!Cv] ; Paste |
[:##m :!Cright_arrow] |
[:period :!COS0]]} ; Selection -> Alfred Snippets TODO: |
{:des "dkey (mouse)" |
:rules [:d-mode |
[:i :!Ckeypad_hyphen] ; Zoom out |
[:o :!Ckeypad_plus] ; Zoom in |
[:a [:!Cc :!Ctab]] ; Copy & activate previous app |
[:j {:mkey {:vwheel 60}}] ; Scroll down |
[:k {:mkey {:vwheel -60}}] ; Scroll up |
[:l [:km "Google clipboard"]] |
;[:l [:km "Google selected word"]] |
[:semicolon [:km "Google Searchio selected word"]] |
[:quote [:km "Select line and google"]] |
[:z {:pkey :button2}] ; Right click |
[:v {:pkey :button1}] ; Left click |
[:b {:pkey :button3}] ; Middle click |
[:n [:km "Open URL in clipboard in Safari"]] |
[:m [:km "Google Lucky selected word"]] |
[:comma :!TO8] ; Show Launchpad |
[:period :!CTO3] ; Mission control |
[:spacebar :!CT8]]} ; Selection -> Dictionary (wiki) |
{:des "fkey (essential)" |
:rules [:f-mode |
[:1 [:km "View Sip"]] |
[:2 [:km "Go to test macro"]] |
[:3 [:km "New global macro"]] ; TODO: create global macro from Test (clear test, focus on naming new macro) |
[:tab [:km "Test"]] |
;[:q [:km "open: Photos"]] |
;[:w [:km "open: Simulator / Xcode"]] |
;[:q [:km "open: MindNode"]] |
[:q [:km "open: Chrome Canary"]] |
[:w [:km "Save clipboard link"]] |
[:e :!CO8] ; Alfred clipboard history search |
[:r [:km "Centre mouse to active app"]] |
[:i :!Treturn_or_enter] |
[:o :!Oreturn_or_enter] |
[:p :!CTOc] ; Sleep |
[:open_bracket :!CT5] ; Turn display on/off |
[:caps_lock :!CTOu] ; Sip color picker |
[:a [:km "open: Figma"]] |
[:s [:km "edit: 2nd iTerm tab"]] |
[:d [:km "Save clipboard link (top)"]] |
[:h [:km "Make markdown link from selection {link}"]] |
[:j [:km "edit: 1st iTerm tab"]] |
[:k :return_or_enter] |
[:l :!Creturn_or_enter] |
[:semicolon [:km "edit: Karabiner"]] |
[:quote [:km "Goku Run"]] |
[:z :!Ospacebar] ; Switch language (Russian <-> English) |
[:n :!Freturn_or_enter] |
[:m :!Sreturn_or_enter] |
[:comma [:km "Add safari link to selected markdown text"]] |
[:period :!CTO4] ; Alfred file action |
[:spacebar :!CTq]]} ; Selection -> Web Searches |
{:des "gkey (actions)" |
:rules [:g-mode |
[:q :!CT3] ; Search bartender menu items |
[:w :!CSgrave_accent_and_tilde] ; Switch between active windows (go up) |
[:caps_lock [:km "Go to KM group of current app from picklist"]] |
[:a [:km "Go to KM group of current app"]] |
[:s [:km "Dismiss notifications"]] |
[:h :!CSOa] ; Move window left |
[:j :!Cgrave_accent_and_tilde] ; Switch between active windows (go down) |
[:k :!COSf] ; Maximize window |
[:l :!CSOd] ; Move window right |
[:semicolon :!COSs] ; Move window between different screen & maximize (iPad) |
[:z :!CO0] ; Show Dropzone dropdown |
[:n :!CTOg] ; Turn on/off notifications |
[:m :!COslash] ; Show/hide notification centre |
[:period :!COS6]]} ; Toggle Night Shift on/off. |
{:des "tilkey (actions + language switches)" |
:rules [:tilde-mode |
[:w [:alfred "toggle wifi" "nikivi.wifi.tools"]] |
[:e :!CTk] ; Turn on/off BTT TouchBar |
[:r [:alfred "restart wifi" "nikivi.wifi.tools"]] |
[:d [:km "Commit dotfiles"]] |
[:f [:km "Commit learning"]] |
[:h [:km "Commit home"]] |
[:j [[:open "dash://.js:"] ["in-python" 0] ["in-go" 0] ["in-js" 1] ["in-elixir" 0] ["in-rust" 0] ["in-swift" 0]]] ; JS |
;[:j [[:open "dash://.jsts:"] ["in-python" 0] ["in-go" 0] ["in-js" 1] ["in-elixir" 0] ["in-rust" 0] ["in-swift" 0]]] ; JS |
[:k [[:open "dash://.go:"] ["in-python" 0] ["in-go" 1] ["in-js" 0] ["in-elixir" 0] ["in-rust" 0] ["in-swift" 0]]] ; Go |
[:l [[:open "dash://.python:"] ["in-python" 1] ["in-go" 0] ["in-js" 0] ["in-elixir" 0] ["in-rust" 0] ["in-swift" 0]]] ; Python |
[:c [:km "Commit code"]] |
[:v [:km "Commit wiki"]] |
;[:n [[:open "dash://.rust:"] ["in-python" 0] ["in-go" 0] ["in-js" 0] ["in-elixir" 0] ["in-rust" 1] ["in-swift" 0]]] ; Rust |
;[:n :!STh] ; Record macro |
;[:m [[:open "dash://.swift:"] ["in-python" 0] ["in-go" 0] ["in-js" 0] ["in-elixir" 0] ["in-rust" 0] ["in-swift" 1]]] ; Swift |
[:spacebar :!COSn]]} ; Selection -> GitHub |
{:des "zkey (chat)" |
:rules [:z-mode |
[:e [:km "open: Telegram"]] |
[:i [:km "open: WhatsApp"]] |
[:o [:km "open: Zoom"]] |
[:p [:km "open: FaceTime"]] |
[:d [:km "New Spark email"]] |
[:f [:km "open: Spark"]] |
[:g [:alfred "search contacts" "nikivi.search.content"]] |
[:h [:km "Create new contact"]] |
[:j [:km "w: Element"]] |
[:k [:km "open: Telegram"]] |
[:l [:km "open: Discord"]] |
[:semicolon [:km "open: Slack"]] |
[:c [:km "open: Contacts"]] |
[:v [:km "open: Tweetbot"]] |
[:b [:km "w: Twitter"]] |
[:n [:km "New tweet"]] |
[:m [:km "New tweet with current URL"]] |
[:comma [:km "w: Twitter Search"]] |
[:period [:km "open: Textual"]] |
[:slash [:km "Search Tweetbot"]] |
[:spacebar :!CSOz]]} ; Selection -> Twitter |
{:des "xkey (spotify)" |
:rules [:x-mode |
[:o [:km "Paste current Spotify song link"]] |
[:open_bracket [:alfred "twitter_search_current_track" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:close_bracket [:alfred "add_current_track_to" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:2N82DnDsPGMnpJhN8sVFJu"]] ; Add song to Bliss playlist |
[:j [:alfred "show_alfred_playlist" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:k [:alfred "show_current_track" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:semicolon [:alfred "add_current_track_to_alfred_playlist_or_your_music" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] ; Add song to Likes playlist |
[:quote [:alfred "add_current_track_to" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:0ESjwZeTcHOWzY3FYO5zs5"]] ; Add song to Focus playlist |
[:n [:alfred "add_current_track_to" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:m [:alfred "remove_current_track_from" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
;[:comma [:alfred "youtube_search_current_track" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] ; TODO: twitter search |
[:comma [:alfred "show_search_online" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] ; TODO: split up further into binds for direct searches of tracks/artists/all |
[:period [:alfred "youtube_search_current_track" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:slash [:alfred "reddit_search_current_track" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]]]} |
{:des "ckey (run + dots)" |
:rules [:c-mode |
[:tab [:km "proj: Learning"]] |
[:u [:km "run: Rust"]] |
[:i [:km "run: Julia"]] ; TODO: maybe use Pluto.jl notebook |
[:o [:km "run: Deno"]] |
[:a [:km "Clone repo to ~/clones and open with VS Code"]] |
[:s [:km "Clone repo to ~/clones"]] |
;[:d [:km "Clone repo to ~/src/clones and open with VS Code"]] ; TODO: open with Xcode |
[:j [:km "run: Bash"]] |
[:k [:km "run: Go"]] |
[:l [:km "run: Python"]] |
[:semicolon [:alfred "search learning" "nikivi.private.directories"]] |
[:quote [:km "proj: Go"]] |
[:n [:km "run: Node"]] |
[:m [:km "run: Swift"]] |
[:period [:km "edit: Dotfiles Magefile"]] |
[:spacebar :!CSOy]]} ; Selection -> Stack Overflow |
{:des "vkey (media)" |
:rules [:v-mode |
[:q :illumination_decrement] |
[:w :illumination_increment] |
[:e [:km "Change macOS appearance (dark/light)"]] |
[:i :display_brightness_decrement] |
[:o :display_brightness_increment] |
[:p [:alfred "play" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:37i9dQZEVXcMHpP6EcIqNe"]] ; Discover Weekly |
[:open_bracket [:alfred "play" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:0ERn0U4qZIKC8Dy7RrMMsn"]] ; Likes |
[:close_bracket [:alfred "play" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:2N82DnDsPGMnpJhN8sVFJu"]] ; Bliss |
;[:a [:km "Repeat Spotify song"]] ; TODO: do in background |
[:s [:km "Play/pause Spotify"]] |
[:d :!CO9] ; Connect/disconnect AirPods |
[:h :vk_consumer_previous] |
[:j :mute] |
[:k :vk_consumer_play] |
[:l :vk_consumer_next] |
[:semicolon [:alfred "spot_mini" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:grave_accent_and_tilde [:alfred "artist_radio" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:z [:alfred "song_radio" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:b [:alfred "show_playlists" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player"]] |
[:n :volume_decrement] |
[:m :volume_increment] |
[:comma [:alfred "play" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:0ESjwZeTcHOWzY3FYO5zs5"]] ; Focus |
[:period [:alfred "play" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:5QOChSDsvLTtBwXmIn8Pss"]] ; Ambient |
[:slash [:alfred "play" "com.vdesabou.spotify.mini.player" "spotify:playlist:5fIL0WiQ79QtgsP4Y4L20V"]] ; Inspired |
[:spacebar :!CSOv]]} ; Selection -> Google Images |
{:des "bkey (break)" |
:rules [:b-mode |
[:9 [:alfred "search hn" "com.vitorgalvao.alfred.hackerboard"]] |
[:0 [:km "w: HN (show new)"]] |
[:q [:km "w: KM forum"]] |
[:w [:km "w: Swift forum"]] |
[:e [:km "w: Behance"]] |
[:r [:km "w: Medium (network)"]] |
[:t [:km "w: Medium (bookmarks)"]] |
[:u [:km "w: Product Hunt"]] |
[:i [:km "w: Dribble"]] |
[:o [:km "w: Pinboard"]] |
[:p [:km "w: Indie Hackers"]] |
[:open_bracket [:km "w: Reddit Saved"]] |
[:close_bracket [:km "w: Twitter Bookmarks"]] |
[:a [:km "w: HN"]] |
[:s [:km "w: Lobsters"]] |
[:d [:km "w: Reddit"]] |
[:f [:km "w: Reddit (all)"]] |
[:g [:km "w: Alfred Forum"]] |
[:h [:km "w: Product Hunt (new)"]] |
[:j [:km "w: Reddit (new)"]] |
[:k [:km "w: GitHub (front page)"]] |
[:l [:km "w: Lobsters (new)"]] |
[:semicolon [:km "w: HN (new)"]] |
[:quote [:km "w: HckrNews"]] |
[:z [:km "w: HN (comments)"]] |
[:x [:km "w: Lobsters (comments)"]] |
[:n [:km "w: Inoreader"]] |
[:m [:km "w: Mastodon"]] |
[:comma [:km "w: GitHub (trending)"]] |
[:period [:km "w: YouTube (subs)"]] |
[:slash [:km "w: GitHub (explore)"]] |
[:spacebar :!TOSs]]} ; Selection -> DuckDuckGo |
{:des "nkey (alfred)" |
:rules [:n-mode |
[:1 :!O1] |
[:2 :!O2] |
[:3 :!O3] |
[:4 :!O4] |
[:5 :!O5] |
[:6 :!O6] |
[:q [:alfred "search github" "nikivi.search.the.web"]] |
[:w [:alfred "search twitter" "nikivi.search.the.web"]] |
[:e [:alfred "search subs" "net.deanishe.alfred-reddit"]] |
[:r [:alfred "search reddit" "nikivi.search.the.web"]] |
[:t [:alfred "ssh" "net.deanishe.alfred-ssh"]] |
[:a [:alfred "search shares" "nikivi.ask.create.share"]] |
[:s [:alfred "search websites" "nikivi.web.searches"]] |
[:d [:alfred "search stack overflow" "net.deanishe.alfred-stackoverflow"]] |
;[:d [:alfred "search packages" "com.sindresorhus.npms"]] |
[:f [:alfred "search repos" "me.lachlan.githubjump"]] |
[:g [:alfred "search godoc" "nikivi.search.the.web"]] |
[:h [:alfred "search hn" "nikivi.search.the.web"]] |
[:grave_accent_and_tilde [:alfred "search learn anything" "nikivi.learn.anything"]] |
[:z [:alfred "search lobsters" "nikivi.search.the.web"]] |
[:x [:alfred "search stack" "net.deanishe.alfred-stackoverflow"]] |
[:c [:alfred "search wiki" "nikivi.mind"]] |
[:v [:alfred "search links" "nikivi.mind"]] |
;[:v [:alfred "search pinboard" "nikivi.search.the.web"]] ; TODO: topics/search/more? |
[:b [:alfred "search bookmarks" "net.deanishe.alfred.safari"]] |
[:spacebar [:alfred "search history" "net.deanishe.alfred.safari"]]]} |
{:des "mkey (dash)" |
:rules [:m-mode |
[:3 [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "d3 "]] |
[:q [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "tldr "]] |
[:w [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "django "]] |
[:e [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "html "]] |
[:r [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "react "]] |
[:t [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "ts "]] |
[:a [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "man "]] |
[:d [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "docker "]] |
[:f [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "apple "]] |
[:s [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "lodash "]] |
[:d [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "node "]] |
[:g [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "godoc "]] |
[:c [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "css "]] |
[:v [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "vim "]] |
[:b [:alfred "search alfred" "nikivi.utilities" "bash "]]]} |
{:des "commakey (words)" |
:rules [:comma-mode |
[:w [:n :i :k :i :v :i]] ; -> nikivi |
[:a [:n :i :k :i :t :a :v :o :l :o :b :o :e :v ]]]} ; -> nikitavoloboev |
{:des "dotkey (1-3, q-u, caps, tab)" |
:rules [:dot-mode |
[:1 [:!Sc :l :o :s :e :spacebar :!S3]] ; -> Close # |
[:2 [:!Sr :e :f :spacebar :!S3]] ; -> Ref # |
[:3 [:!Sf :i :x :spacebar :!S3]] ; -> Fix # |
[:q [:!Sa :spacebar :slash :slash :spacebar]] ; -> // (on same line) |
[:w [:km "VSCode/XCode/Sublime comment on top of line"]] |
[:e [:!St :!So :!Sd :!So :!Ssemicolon :spacebar]] ; -> TODO: |
[:r [:km "VSCode/XCode/Sublime comment on top of line with TODO"]] |
[:t [:!Sn :!So :!St :!Se :!Ssemicolon :spacebar]] ; -> NOTE: |
[:y [:p :l :e :a :s :e :spacebar]] ; -> please |
[:u [:u :p :d :a :t :e :spacebar]] ; -> update |
[:caps_lock [:!Cf :!St :!So :!Sd :!So :!Ssemicolon :return_or_enter]] ; -> search TODO: in file |
[:grave_accent_and_tilde [:!CSf :!St :!So :!Sd :!So :!Ssemicolon :return_or_enter]] ; -> search TODO: globally |
[:left_gui [:!St :h :a :n :k :s :spacebar]] ; -> Thanks |
[:spacebar [:!St :h :a :n :k :spacebar :y :o :u :period :spacebar]]]} ; -> Thank you. |
{:des "jsdot" |
:rules [:js-mode |
[:tab [:km "w: MDN"]] |
[:a [:c :o :n :s :o :l :e :period :l :o :g :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> console.log() |
;[:a [:c :o :n :s :o :l :e :period :w :a :r :n :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> console.warn() |
[:s [:equal_sign :!Speriod :spacebar]] ; -> => |
[:d [:r :e :t :u :r :n :spacebar]] ; -> return |
[:f [:!Cf :c :o :n :s :o :l :e :period :l :o :g :!S9 :return_or_enter]] ; -> search console.log( in file |
;[:f [:!Cf :c :o :n :s :o :l :e :period :w :a :r :n :!S9 :return_or_enter]] ; -> search console.warn( in file |
[:g [:right_arrow :spacebar :equal_sign :!Speriod :spacebar :!Sopen_bracket :return_or_enter]] ; -> => {} |
[:j [:right_arrow :spacebar :equal_sign :spacebar]] ; -> = |
[:k [:right_arrow :spacebar :!Sopen_bracket :return_or_enter]] ; -> { } |
[:z [:spacebar :c :l :a :s :s :!Sn :a :m :e :equal_sign :!Squote :!Squote :left_arrow]] ; -> className="" |
;[:x [:t :a :c :h :y :o :n :s :spacebar]] ; -> tachyons |
;[:c [:spacebar :s :t :y :l :e :equal_sign :!Sopen_bracket :!Sopen_bracket :!Sclose_bracket :!Sclose_bracket :left_arrow :left_arrow]] ; -> style={{}} |
[:c [:spacebar :s :t :y :l :e :equal_sign :!Sopen_bracket :!Sclose_bracket :left_arrow]] ; -> style={} |
[:v [:j :a :v :a :s :c :r :i :p :t :spacebar]] ; -> javascript |
[:b [:t :y :p :e :s :c :r :i :p :t :spacebar]]]} ; -> typescript |
{:des "godot" |
:rules[:go-mode |
[:tab [:km "w: GoDoc"]] |
[:a [:f :m :t :period :!Sp :r :i :n :t :l :n :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> fmt.Println() |
[:s [:!Ssemicolon :equal_sign :spacebar]] ; -> := |
[:d [:r :e :t :u :r :n :spacebar]] ; -> return |
[:f [:!Cf :f :m :t :period :p :return_or_enter]] ; -> search fmt.p in file |
[:g [:i :f :spacebar :e :r :r :spacebar :!S1 :equal_sign :spacebar :n :i :l :spacebar :!Sopen_bracket :return_or_enter]] ; -> if err != nil {} |
[:j [:grave_accent_and_tilde :j :s :o :n :!Ssemicolon :!Squote :!Squote :grave_accent_and_tilde :left_arrow :left_arrow]] ; -> `json:""` |
[:z [:l :o :g :period :!Sp :r :i :n :t :l :n :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> log.Println() |
[:x [:f :m :t :period :!Sp :r :i :n :t :l :n :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow :!Squote :hyphen :hyphen]] ; -> fmt.Println("--") |
[:c [:!STsemicolon]] ; Selection -> Go Playground |
[:v [:g :o :l :a :n :g :spacebar]] ; -> golang |
[:b [:l :o :g :period :!Sf :a :t :a :l :!S9 :e :r :r :!S0]]]} ; -> log.Fatal(err) |
{:des "pydot" |
:rules[:py-mode |
[:a [:p :r :i :n :t :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> print() |
[:s [:hyphen :!Speriod]] ; -> -> |
[:d [:r :e :t :u :r :n :spacebar]] ; -> return |
[:v [:p :y :t :h :o :n :spacebar]]]} ; -> python |
{:des "swiftdot" |
:rules[:swift-mode |
[:a [:p :r :i :n :t :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> print() |
[:v [:s :w :i :f :t :spacebar]]]} ; -> swift |
{:des "rustdot" |
:rules[:rust-mode |
[:a [:p :r :i :n :t :l :n :!S1 :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> println!() |
[:v [:r :u :s :t :spacebar]]]} ; -> rust |
{:des "elixdot" |
:rules[:elixir-mode |
[:a [:!Si :!So :period :p :u :t :s :!S9 :!S0 :left_arrow]] ; -> IO.puts() |
[:v [:e :l :i :x :i :r :spacebar]]]} ; -> elixir |
{:des "spacekey (websites)" |
:rules [:spacebar-mode |
;[:tab :!CO5] ; TODO: Configure ScreenFlow recording |
[:q [:km "open: CleanShot"]] |
[:w :!Cw] ;; Cmd+w |
[:e :!TO2] ; Screenshot -> Clipboard |
[:r :!COS4] ; Screenshot -> CleanShot (cloud) |
;[:r :!TOCp] ; Screenshot -> Imgur |
;[:r :!TOCp] ; Screenshot -> Imgur (auth) |
[:t :!CS4] ; Screenshot -> ~/Desktop |
;[:i [:km "w: Google Sheets"]] |
[:i [:km "w: GitHub (notifications)"]] ; TODO: jump between GitHub (issues/prs) |
[:o [:km "w: Google Docs"]] |
[:open_bracket [:km "w: Google Slides"]] |
[:close_bracket [:km "w: Beautiful.ai"]] |
[:caps_lock :!CTOSg] ; Loom recording |
[:a :!TO4] ; CleanShot recording |
;[:s :!CO5] ; TODO: Pause/unpause ScreenFlow recording |
[:f :!CO5] ; Start/stop ScreenFlow recording |
[:h [:km "w: Roam Research"]] |
[:j [:km "w: Excalidraw"]] |
[:k [:km "w: GitHub"]] |
[:l [:km "w: Localhost"]] |
[:semicolon [:km "w: StackBlitz"]] |
[:quote [:km "w: Learn Anything"]] |
[:b [:km "w: Digital Ocean"]] |
[:n [:km "w: GCP"]] |
[:m [:km "w: AWS"]] |
[:comma [:km "w: Diagrams"]] |
[:period [:km "w: YouTube"]] |
[:slash [:km "w: GitHub PR"]]]} ; TODO: |
]} |
Reference in new issue